SBI PO Exam Pattern

SBI PO Exam Pattern:  State Bank of India Probationary Officer Exam Pattern Details.

SBI PO Exam Pattern is of Three Phases – 1. Phase I, 2. Phase II, 3. Phase III.

A. Phase I: Preliminary Examination consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This test would be of 1 hour duration consisting of 3 Sections as follows…

S.No.Name of testNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
1.English Language303020 minutes
2.Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3.Reasoning Ability3535 20 minutes
 Total100100 1 hour

B. Phase- II: Main Examination (250 marks) consisting of Objective Tests and Descriptive Test.

(i). Objective Tests (200 marks):  The objective test of 3 hours duration consist of 4 Sections for total 200 marks. The objective test will have separate timing for every section as follows:

SlName of testNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
1.Reasoning & Computer Aptitude45 60 60 minutes
2. Data Analysis & Interpretation 35 60 45 minutes
3. General/Economy/Banking Awareness 40 40 35 minutes
4. English Language 35 40 40 minutes
5.  Total 155 200 3 hours

The candidates are required to qualify in the Objective Tests by securing passing marks, in each of the tests, to be decided by the Bank on the basis of the performance of all the competing candidates taken together in each test to a minimum required level for each category.

(ii). Descriptive Test (50 marks): The Descriptive Test of 30 minutes duration with two questions for 50 marks will be a Test of English Language (Letter Writing & Essay).

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Click here for SBI PO Exam Syllabus

Tags: banks po exam pattern, sbi, SBI PO Exam Pattern, sbi po recruitment, state bank of india